Thanks everyone who I met at…

Thanks everyone who I met at #nostrasia. Thank you for the positive vibe! 💜🧘‍♂️

Special thanks to who I created a #nostr T-shirt with. More will follow in the future.

Thanks elidy for printing the artwork and sharing the beautiful story of 1000 cranes!

Justin_Tokyo ⚡️ 💋 mcshane gillian jack and the others for organizing this event!

and everyone else I had a nice chat with about art and life! ralf The Fishcake🐶🐾 Arnold Hubach geyser dread Karnage OpenMike NVK Run with Bitcoin tanel Rabble ewelina tigs rejon Nandan and the people I forget to tag 🤙

See you some day somewhere back around the globe 🌏 For now it’s time to go to Bangkok and turn the focus on creating art again! #artstr

Love & Happiness 🙏
Johannes - BitPopArt