So true. Thats why I love…

So true. Thats why I love this place. Feels like art school were everyone around you keeps you pushing because they are also good in what they do.

On the end I realize I have so much fun creating of for example this (just smile often when I create my own little happy world) even walking through bangkok I see all these funny characters around me. One day I walked down the street and out of nothing a monitor lizard came up from under out the side walk. In stead of getting scared I saw this whole cartoon before me him living in this busy, fun and crazy city 😅

And its true I don’t need permission and that is also exactly how I live and brought me so many times around the globe.

Maybe this was more a question for help because of all the DEVs around me and not willing to tell the wrong story. And find a shared 4V4.

But also this weekend I realized when some told me it would not work/ or confuse people I though. Thats just a DEVs oppinion. (This one can be very good in tech stuff but maybe don’t know much about art/design, I still believe we all live in our little bubble 🫧)

So I thought Good to know your opinion but the rebel in me never stops creating when people like it or not 😄

Thanks for your answer because there is where the magic is happening in the energy of creating and staying close to yourself. Thats what I also learned this last week. Luckily the universe/ Jim Carrey gave me a sign.

Happy Creating elidy and see you some day again somewhere around the globe 💫🌎✍️ #art #artstr nostr:note14m7u5trga4sxhr7dp4nq93hque4rrxw624sz3y5x3knk92r9vkts3drahg