This Saturday the finished art work will go on auction Plebeian Market
Only one orginal 1/1
🟪 Signed and printed art work (A0)
🟧 Written with a background story about the art and half year process
🟩 10% of the total earnings will divided and return to the 65 Npubs in this artwork. (All the Npubs in this artwork can also get the digital High Resolution file to print a coupe for them self)
⚠️ Auction time 7 days 🕰️ Start price 100.000 Sats (printing cost)
🟨 First even Npub Artwork
🟥 Daily worked on this for a half year (POW can be seen in a video)
#art #artstr #Nostr #bitcoin #Plebchain #zaps #v4v