By Bitpopart in nostr — Aug 25, 2024 With full of energy I go back to the Netherlands to work one month on the #Nostr book. Thanks all 🙏 nostr:note176v8yf9mmp55flfuduaxqs2atxr9n3rkyrry53mry2u8dn7cp9xq4evydg
art Seeing a new book pre-order after landing in the Netherlands and the amazing Nostriga is so cool! Thanks for the support 🙏 Did already a lot of new writing on
keepnostrweird @Derek Ross and @walker where came the hashtag #keepnostrweird & #footstr from!? Like to write a small piece about it in my #Nostr value 4 value book.…
nostr Good to see more and more people arriving with different backgrounds. One day we will have a #Nostr event with sports and meditations etc too 🥊…